Faux marble brings interest and beauty to fireplace surround

My clients Stacy and Dan wanted to make the fireplace surround in their beautiful Hingham condo a highlight of the space – which is when they called us!

The starting point was just a drywall surround painted the same off-white as the rest of the room.  The style of the room was very clean and contemporary, so we had a lot a leeway in terms of doing something eye-catching, but we still needed to keep the look consistent with the modern, upscale aesthetic as the rest of the space.  Looking at the marble finishes in the nearby bathroom, we decided on making the surround look like a large slab of marble, keeping it clean and white with dramatic veining.

I started by painting a test board to show the style and colors I was considering for the faux marble.  When we reviewed this, Stacy and Dan liked what I proposed, but wanted the background even whiter than I suggested – which ended up being a great way to go!

With their approval in hand, we were on to painting the surround.  After prepping the surfaces, we started by painting a color called “super white” for the clean, bright background Stacy and Dan were looking for.  I then used some inspiration photos they gave me to lay out the patterns – and then I was on to painting the marble veins!  We finished with a couple of coats of glossy polyurethane to cap off this ultra-realistic marble look.



The fireplace before

And after!

With the TV re-installed