“Thanksgiving Sky”

George Winston’s album “December” is a long-time favorite of mine.  There is a somber but still joyful feeling about this collection of songs that makes me pull it back out every year as the holidays approach. 


There was something about this scene that had the same kind of appeal for me.  I love patterns, so a big part of the draw was the shapes these trees make.  What made it a subject worthy of painting, though, was more the mood of the view.  It has a peaceful feel that, together with the obvious ‘November in the Northeast’ look, brought me to the same quiet but joyful place that George Winston’s album does. 


Painting this made me think about the drive to see family on Thanksgiving, which inspired the title “Thanksgiving Sky”. I hope you enjoy some of the same feelings looking at it here!


It is now on display at the New England Artisan Gallery on Route 1A in Wrentham, MA for anyone local who is interested in checking it out.   

Happy Thanksgiving!